Our Portfolio
PMSC S.A. provides full project management for new building, repairs and conversion of commercial and leisure vessel, supplying specific experience and skills for LNG Carrier, FLNG, FSRU, FSU, LPG Carrier, Oil/Product Tanker, FPSO, FSO, Chemical Carrier, Offshore Vessels, LNG Bunkering solutions, Mooring analysis and much more.
Most Recent First:
- MSC Cruise Management LTD – Uxbridge (UK): Mooring Assessment to verify the suitability of the new Barcelona Terminal for three different classes of Cruise ships with a complete sensitive analysis of mooring facilities with mooring positions optimization; taking care of all the transfer facilities between the cruise ship and the terminal facilities and the safe transfer of Passengers.
- Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.l – Rovigo: Technical assistance during maneuvering simulation activities at SIPORT21 during the validation of the PMSC studied berthing and unberthing manoeuvre simulations of the q-Flex LNG Carrier at Adriatic LNG offshore Terminal; inclusive of optimization of approaching and disconnection procedures.
Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.l – Rovigo: Dynamic mooring and berthing analysis for Q-Flex LNG Carrier at Adriatic LNG Terminal, inclusive of berthing and unberthing manoeuvres simulations, in order to determine the maximum environmental conditions allowing safe operations. Report Analysis and Simulations approved by DNV.
S.I.M.I. Società Italiana Montaggi Industriali S.r.l. – Pescara: Sea fastening design, stability and optimization for a series of heavy transports from Italy.
Saipem S.p.A. (ENI Group) – Milano: Feasibility study, FEED and basic design for the upgrade and conversion of an existing Berth in Porto Torres (Italy) Port, in order to realize the facilities for the permanent mooring for a FSRU; the mooring of a feeding LNG carrier, up to 75.000 m3 and for the FSRU filling and send-out operations.
Stazioni Marittime Genova S.p.A. – Genova: Mooring and sensitivity analysis for the use of Dock 1012 Ponente as mooring berth for MSC World Europa, World Class of Cruise vessel.
- Storstrøm Bridge Joint Venture I/S – Denmark: Technical consultancy services for optimizing the fleet necessary for the realization of the bridge.
- Trieste & Monfalcone port Authorities – Trieste: Mooring and sensitivity analysis for the use of Portorosega berth with spacing barges for MSC Musica Cruise vessel.
- Storstrøm Bridge Joint Venture I/S – Denmark: Marine Logistic Assessment related to all the shipping activities necessary for the bridge construction.
Argo Trading Shipping Ltd – Dubai: Technical consultancy services for managing a supply shuttle Tanker 10.000 Dwt.
- Stazioni Marittime Genova S.p.A. – Genova: Mooring and sensitivity analysis for the use of Ponte Caracciolo T1 berth for MSC Grandiosa Cruise vessel.
- Comune di Levanto – Italy: Preliminary design and feasibility study for the reconfiguration of an existing breakwater to enhance the wave protection, the capability and performance of floating boat recovery area.
- Stazioni Marittime Genova S.p.A. – Genova: Mooring and sensitivity analysis for the use of Ponte Doria Ponente as mooring berth for MSC Seashore Evo Class of Cruise vessel.
- Stazioni Marittime Genova S.p.A. – Genova: Mooring and sensitivity analysis for the use of Dock 1012 Ponente as mooring berth for MSC Seashore Evo Class of Cruise vessel.
- Cavus & Coskunsu Law Firm – Istanbul: Consultant as LNG Carrier Technical Expertise for an International Arbitration rising from a dispute about the sell of an LNG Carrier.
- Mammoet and Backer Hughes: Sea motion data collecting and monitoring during 5 transatlantic voyages of heavy modules transports, with the cooperation of University of Genova.
- Stazioni Marittime Genova S.p.A. – Genova: Mooring and sensitivity analysis for the use of Ponte Doria Ponente as mooring berth for MSC Seaside Class of Cruise vessel.
- Mauro Sàito Architetti – Bari: Upon request of Archeological Department of University of Salento, has been performed a feasibility study for the rising of the wreck of a Roman Imperial Age Cargo ship (about 300 A.D.).
- Porto di Carrara Mammoet S.r.l – Massa: Mooring complete of Sensitivity analysis for the load out of heavy modules on board of the Heavy Load Carrier Dongbang Giant No.1, to be performed in Marina di Carrara Port.
- Porto di Carrara Mammoet S.r.l – Massa: Mooring complete of Sensitivity analysis for the load out of heavy modules on board of the Heavy Load Carrier Hanjin Pioneer, to be performed in Marina di Carrara Port.
- Mammoet S.r.l – Milano: Sea fastening design and optimization for a series of heavy transports between Italy and USA (Gulf area).
- FINCANTIERI – Trieste: Riva Trigoso shipyard, following a severe sea storm, damages inspection and evaluation; design and follow up of the repairs to sea walls and jetty.
- Studio Ing. Mattarelli – Genova: Extensive static and dynamic mooring analysis of the mooring configuration for a Mega yacht during a gale. The analysis covered 18 different mooring configurations combined with different wind, current and wave associations.
- Saipem S.p.A. (ENI Group) – Milano: feasibility study, FEED and basic design for the upgrade and conversion to Condensate loading facility of an existing Berth in Vietnam (CaVoi Xanh Project). The basic design includes the capability to use the berth for loading-in construction modules during plant erection and development and, after plant completion, for mooring and loading Condensate Carrier ship up to 16.000 DWT.
- Alfa Laval S.p.A. – Monza: Consultancy as Gas expertise for the development of Ammonia fuelling system on board of merchant ship.
- Saipem S.p.A. (ENI Group) – Milano: Project review and validation for the enlargement of Ras Laffan Port and basic Design of a piling solution alternative for the new jetties. The basic design includes the LNG Loading Facilities with the capability to moor and load, LNG Carrier (QMax and QFlex size).
- Saipem S.p.A. (ENI Group) – Milano: feasibility study and basic design for the construction of an LNG Terminal in East Africa. The basic design includes the LNG distribution system and the LNG Loading Facilities with the capability to moor and load, up to five LNG Carrier (4 QMax and 1 QFlex).
- Augusta Due S.r.l. – Roma: Due Diligence, Condition Survey and Ships Technical and Economical Evaluation Report for the acquisition of two LNG Carriers within an International Bid.
- LNG New Technologies Pte Ltd. (LNT) – Singapore: Agreement for developing and/or promote the design and construction of LNG Carrier vessels using their patented technology and design, named LNT A-BOX®, as containment system.
- Alfa Laval S.p.A. – Monza: Consultancy as LPG expertise for the development of LPG fuelling system on board of merchant ship.
- Lattice Technology Co. Ltd – Kaist (South Korea): Agreement for developing and/or promote the design and construction of LNG-fuelled vessels using Lattice Pressure Vessel (LPV) as LNG fuel tanks.
- Viking Airtech Pte Ltd. – Singapore: Approval in Principle by DNV-GL of the Heat Recovery System for the use on board of LNG Fuelled ships (According to IGF Code and DNV-GL Rules).
- Accademia della Marina Mercantile- Genova: Design, development and realization of a training Course on Liquefied Gas Carrier and Gas Handling dedicated to a new professional figure of Gas Carrier Petty officer.
- NYCEDC New York City Economic Development Corporation – N.Y. N.Y. (Usa): Qualified as LNG Expertise for the use of LNG as fuel on board of their Ferries and Ro-Pax vessel.
- Ishima Pte Ltd. – Singapore: Long term technical assistance agreement for LNG Carriers and LPG Carriers Construction, Survey and Technical Management.
- LNG Masterplan for Rine-Main-Danube – Vienna: Member of the Industry Reference Group and Advisory Group during the preparation of the LNG Masterplan.
- Keppel Shipyard Limited- Singapore: LPG Tank – MSR – Mechanical Stress Relief, study, activity and logistics for realization, on a heavy damaged and repaired Bi- Lobe Tank on board an LPG Carrier. Procedures and activities attendance with data recording.
- Viking Airtech Pte Ltd. – Singapore: Development and engineering of a Heath Recovery System for the recover of “Cold” during LNG regassification on board of merchant vessel that use LNG as Fuel. (PMSC S.A. Patent).
- Octopus LNG – Santiago de Chile: for the planned FSRU, preparation of the tender documentation and relative scoring model. Bidder replay examination and evaluation. Project evaluation support. In cooperation with D’Appolonia.
- Adriatic LNG – Milano: Feasibility study for the use of Small LNG carrier at their LNG Terminal.
- PGAS Solution (PGN Group) – Jakarta: Feasibility and sensitive relocation Study, inclusive of economical evaluation, among given different solutions for a FSRU to be relocated. In cooperation with RINA (Italian Shipping Register).
- PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN) – Jakarta: Due Diligence for the technical and commercial evaluation of a LNG Export Terminal in North America. In cooperation with RINA (Italian Shipping Register).
- PGAS Solution (PGN Group) – Jakarta: Extended FEED and Gap Analysis among different operative solution for a FSRU to be relocated. In cooperation with RINA (Italian Shipping Register).
- Ishima Pte Ltd. – Singapore: Training to Ishima Superintendants about LNG Carrier and LPG Carrier Construction, Survey and Technical Management.
- PGAS Solution (PGN Group) – Jakarta: Conceptual Design, Basic Project, Technical Assistance and Consulting for the new realization of an FSRU to be operated in south Sumatra Island. In cooperation with RINA (Italian Shipping Register) and FYD Monaco.
- Alessandro Calabria – Genova: Detailed survey on board of Italian Navy Destroyer “Vittorio Veneto” to evaluate the amount and extension of hazardous material on board according to IMO requirements for scrapping ship.
- Cantiere Navale Michelini & C. s.r.l. – La Spezia: Project management service and technical assistance for bidding the special survey and minor conversion works on board of a Cable Laying Ship.
- Ishima Pte Ltd. – Singapore: Technical assistance for a Ship Management Contract bid relative to a LNG Carrier fleet.
- LNG Shipping S.p.A. (ENI Group) – Milano: Technical assistance and consultancy for their LNG Carrier Fleet and Scrapping Evaluation Reports.
- Saipem S.p.A. (ENI Group) – Milano: Condition Assessment Survey on board of a Semisubmersible Drilling Ring to be completed and modified for Arctic winterization. In cooperation with FYD Monaco (MC)
- Saipem S.p.A. (ENI Group) – Milano: Hull & Machinery Condition Survey on board of a Aframax Tanker to be converted into FPSO.
- Saipem S.p.A. (ENI Group) – Milano: Conceptual Design, Basic Project, Shop Drawing and Construction Follow-up for a Temporary Refuge Barge to be built in Kazakhstan and operated in North Caspian Sea.
- Saipem S.p.A. (ENI Group) – Milano: Hull Condition Assessment Survey on a barge to be converted in order to be operated in Caspian Sea as a Temporary Refuge Barge.
- L&M Consortium- Italy: Conversion of an Aframax Tanker into an FSO to be operated in Mediterranean Sea. Feasibility study, Conceptual Design and Business Plan development.
- L&M Consortium- Italy: Hull & Machinery Condition Survey on board of various Aframax Crude Carriers to be converted into FSO.
- Saipem S.p.A. (ENI Group) – Milano: Long term agreement for Technical Consultancy Services dedicated to Ship’s Condition Survey; new building and major conversion’s project management.
- International Marine Safety Security and Environmental Academy – IMO (International Maritime Organization): Appointed as Lecturers at the Italian Shipping Academy –IMSSEA, for the courses of “Flag State Implementation and Port State Control” and “Handling of Hazardous Cargoes: LNG- LPG”.
- MTM – La Spezia: Technical assistance to the Ship Manager to operate a special purpose/passenger sail vessel and a RO-RO vessel.
- MTM – La Spezia: Hull and Machinery Condition Survey, on Buyers side, and technical assistance during negotiations and purchase of a RO-RO Vessel.
- FYD Monaco – Montecarlo (MC): Condition Assessment Survey for an Accommodation Barge for operation in Caspian Sea.
- Progeco S.r.l. – Livorno: Project management for the conversion of a Car Ferry into a workshop barge to be operated in Caspian Sea by AgipKCO. Conversion realized in Varna (BG).
- Saipem S.p.A. (ENI Group) – Milano: Hull & Machinery Condition Survey on board of a VLCC to be converted into FPSO.
- LITAV S.r.l. – La Spezia: Training centre – Teaching and training to trainers; Technical consultancy for new training courses preparation and development.
- Marítima del Norte S.A. – Madrid: Technical assistance regarding their LNG Carrier Laieta.
- Carboflotta – Ship Owning Group – Genova: Long term consultancy agreement for new building and major conversion’s project management.
- Carboflotta – Ship Owning Group – Genova: Technical consultant and assistance to get the highest Quality and Environmental ISO certification for the whole group and technical assistance to improve Group OCIMF-TMSA scoring factor.